"George Eliot Hospital Radiology - XRay & MRI -..."

About: George Eliot Hospital - Acute Services / General medicine

Background: Awaiting diagnosis and correct treatment for 2 years.

Appointment 1 - George Eliot Hospital advised appointment details after appointment time had elapsed, resulting in wasted MRI scan appointment.

Appointment 2 - Greeted by an aggressive and awkward receptionist who complained my GP shouldn't have asked for XRay and MRI on the same afternoon.

However eventually the receptionist relented and processed me.

Even their colleagues are aware of their aggressive attitude issues to patients.

I might add there were hardly any patients waiting.

The XRay Dept assistant complained to me that my doctor hadn't completed the form correctly and asked me which leg was affected.

I advised it was mainly my right, but had issues in the left due to the time that had elapsed (2 years limited walking - on crutches).

I advised I was expecting both legs to be Xrayed and that original images were done at this same department.

They agreed, but upon reaching the radiographer they advised that they would only XRray the left leg, not the injured right leg.

I was disappointed as I had waited all this time for such a basic failure in treatment.

The radiographer said that if I wouldn't let them XRray the uninjured leg they would state that I had refused all treatment.

Next onto the MRI scan, answering the same questions that I had done previously on the phone, the MRI scan was cancelled by the person in charge (another wasted scan and waste of our NHS money.

I had very little faith in George Eliot Hospital before.

Their standards have been in decline for some time now, but I had never expected the utter un helpfulness together with this level rudeness as standard.

The waste of NHS (our) money, not to mention my time and the ongoing pain that I am in is all inexcusable.

I am left with no other option than to see my MP as George Eliot Hospital has shown complete reluctance to remedy this situation.

Hopefully I will get to have my treatment at a professional hospital after seeing my MP.

This review is an honest reflection of my experience at George Eliot Hospital Radiology Dept.

To the department concerned: Please do not start harassing me now to edit or remove this accurate review.

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Response from George Eliot Hospital - Acute Services 7 years ago
George Eliot Hospital - Acute Services
Submitted on 04/12/2017 at 16:30
Published on nhs.uk at 17:31

I am sorry that you had such a difficlt experience in the radiology department. When discussing you comments with the Manager of the department it became evident that he was already aware of your concerns. I believe that this was because you had approached the Patient Advice and Liaison Service? If this is not correct please will you let us have contact details so that we can look into the issues you describe? PALS can be reached on (024) 7686 5550.

Best wishes Christine Longstaff on behalf of the George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust

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