"my experience of the mental health system"

About: Sheffield Health & Social Care NHS Foundation Trust

(as the patient),

I have a condition known by many as multiple personality disorder, but its now called Dissociative Identity Disorder. Although it is rare to get a diagnosis in the UK, it is suspected that up to a million people may have this condition.

My condition can not be treated by drugs, and only long term psychotherapy has any effect, in fact short term therapy is said to be detrimental. I have had this diagnosis for five years now and I feel really let down by the mental health system who fail to recognise my condition, and the most appropiate form of treatment for it. I have had to use my DLA to fund private treatment, which I was really lucky to even find, as there is not an easy way to find such treatment.

What frustrates me is that when I have had crisis points in the past, mainstream crisis services wont deal with me because people who have my condition don't respond to drug therapy (and thats all they are offering).

Time and time again I was getting told that my condition 'didn't fit' within mainstream services, so I didn't receive any help at all.

I am on higher rate care Disability Living Allowance, but not receiving any actual care from the NHS mental health team. I don't fit, so I don't get anything.

My condition isn't alone in this. Unless you have certain conditions that are 'easy' and cheap to fix you dont get anything. this needs to change.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Mia Bajin, Engagement/Volunteer Manager, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust 12 years ago
Mia Bajin
Engagement/Volunteer Manager,
Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 18/10/2011 at 14:41
Published on Care Opinion on 19/10/2011 at 10:13

picture of Mia Bajin

Dear Not Crazy,

Thank you for your posting.

Dissociative Disorder is a recognised mental health diagnosis, and the international classification of Diseases -10 (1cd 10) describes many forms , including multiple personality.

There are different ways of understanding the disorder, if someone is distressed and suffering The Trust, SHSC will try to provide help.

Each case has to be assessed individually to ascertain what treatment and management approaches may be appropriate and also available.

Services in Sheffield can offer assessment and interventions where appropriate.

If you would like further information, please contact the PALS Service on 0114 271 8768, or email PALS@shsc.nhs.uk

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