Hello, I recently became a 1st time mum to twin girls. They were early but didn't need special care. I hemorrhaged after an emergency caesarean for 2 hours losing 4 litres of blood. I was then taken to HDU with my girls who were looked after by nurses. I didn't receive a blood transfusion until 2 days later,4 in total.
It was in this time, my mental health seemed to deteriorate. My family described me as not being me. I was numb and a bit detached from everything and everyone. I can't fault the maternity staff before giving birth. However, it's a different story after giving birth.
The nurses reported me to social services due to me not meeting my girls needs. They are in now in temporary foster care. I didn't know what to do, being a first time mum and I was never offered support in looking after them and their basic needs. I take responsibility for what happened in the hospital but I am now better and I see them 3 times a week for 3 hours but I could lose them due to adoption.
I feel I should've had more support in hospital and while pregnant. It is unjustifiable why social services got involved. I feel like rather than admit their faults, try and cover them up.
"Royal Gwent Hospital Maternity ward"
About: Royal Gwent Hospital / Maternity care Royal Gwent Hospital Maternity care NP20 2UB
Posted by NewMum2Twin (as ),
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