I was referred by my GP back in October 2010. After a couple of months I had my first initial consultation. From that consultation I was told that I would have to wait to hear from them for my talking therapy sessions to begin. I had opted out of ‘phone therapy’.
Now it’s early September 2011 and I’ve just had my first talking therapy appointment... 11 months on!
From being told to wait to hear from them and getting a letter notifying me of my first session was several months, in that time there was no correspondence from them at all. It would have been nice to have an update or two to keep in me informed.
Yes, I’m finally getting help and very grateful for that, but waiting almost a year? In my opinion this is unacceptable. I’m sure I’m not a lone voice here. In that time I, or others may have been in crisis and the fall-out from that.
Here are direct quotes from Let’s Talk website and leaflet:
“A service to help people with common mental health problems gain quick access to evidence based talking therapy.”
“If you require a face-to-face appointment, it will normally be arranged within 10 working days and within a maximum of 20 working days.”
I feel the wording needs to be revised and the service needs to reflect this. I believe people will respect honesty if they are told how long the potential waiting times are and be kept updated.
"Let's ‘wait to talk’ Wellbeing (not IAPT-ly named)"
About: Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust / Adult mental health (inpatient) Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Adult mental health (inpatient) NG3 6AA
Posted by simag8 (as ),
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