My Dad was admitted following a very traumatic encounter with sepsis, culminating in septic shock and kidney failure in 2016.
Dad was seen by the emergency staff immediately after exiting the ambulance and was treated with speed, the upmost care and attention. It took many staff and several hours to stabilise him enough to transfer him.
My family and I cannot praise and thank enough the staff on duty that evening as we feel they saved my Dad's life; including the paramedics who had the unenviable task of stabilising him enough to move from the upstairs of our quirky cottage on a spinal board. Once transferred to MAU the exceptional care continued.
For me, it was an inspiration, my observations and discussions with the male staff nurse, Scott alongside his encouragement, have lead me to pursue a career in nursing. I have now concluded my first year and am loving every minute. My Dad is still recovering, but is only still here due to the exceptional care he received, so we will always be very grateful.
"We will always be grateful"
About: Royal Cornwall Hospital (Treliske) / Emergency Department Royal Cornwall Hospital (Treliske) Emergency Department Truro TR1 3LJ Royal Cornwall Hospital (Treliske) / General medicine Royal Cornwall Hospital (Treliske) General medicine TR1 3LJ South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust / Emergency ambulance South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust Emergency ambulance Exeter EX2 7HY
Posted by Jacbp34 (as ),
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