"Medway A&E"

About: Medway Maritime Hospital / Accident and emergency

Seriously ill patients left on trolleys in corridors, or in queuing ambulances outside. The department has neither the room, staff or facilities to provide adequate care for the people of Medway.

Poor patients, poor staff whatever did they do to deserve this 3rd world department.

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Response from Medway NHS Foundation Trust 6 years ago
Submitted on 14/08/2018 at 10:51
Published on Care Opinion at 13:29

Thank you for your comments. We are very sorry that your experience of the Emergency Department appears to be poor. We are currently making many positive changes to the Department, including the environment and services to benefit patients and we look forward to a time when these are complete.

We will share your comments with the Emergency Department Team and if you wish to raise any specific concerns please contact our PALS Team (patient advice and Liaison Service) on 01634 825004 or medwayft.pals@nhs.net and they will be happy to speak with you.

Kindest regards,

The Patient Experience Team

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