"Women who suffer miscarriage should be treated with a little bit more sensitivity"

About: George Eliot Hospital - Acute Services / Gynaecology

(as the patient),

In August 2011 I suffered a natural miscarriage. Up until that dreadful week I had received the usual antenatal care - midwife chats, bloods etc and when I was having problems I called a midwife helpline who gave me advice of which I followed so when I started to suffer from bleeding I went to A+E.

The A+E department on my first visit there did usual tests and a pregnancy test (which I now understand was a complete waste of time - because even if you miscarry the pregnancy hormone can stay in your bloods for weeks!) I was told to go home and rest - not really very helpful.

The bleeding became worse the next night so I returned to A+E again. I was pleased to be seen virtually straight away and seemed to be taken more seriously this time with bloods being taken and being seen by a gynie doctor who suspected a miscarriage. I was treated very well during this time by docs and nurses - although they couldn't scan to confirm because apparently scanning equipment is only available during the day - how inconvenient of me to have a miscarriage at 9.00pm! I was told to attend my 12 week scan that I had already been given before this all happened.

It was upon return for various tests that I was shocked at how for something that is so common that I was treated with little consideration emotionally. Being asked to attend for bloods 48 hrs later at the Maternity unit with pregnant mums, midwives discussing births etc and a baby's heart beat being heard, did nothing for my emotional state of mind and then to be told they had lost my bloods wasn't great. Then having to attend what should have been an exciting first scan we had to suffer sitting in the antenatal unit with other pregnant mum's -my state of mind was in bits!! After the scan we were shown into a private room that was more like a room where junk, old books and furniture were kept and where people had had there lunch as there were crumbs on the table.

I attended various appointments for bloods after the miscarriage and was very pleased that the hospital did not discharge me until I had a negative pregnancy test but I just felt that women who suffer miscarriage should be treated with a little bit more sensitivity.

I now know that miscarriage is common but it is not common for the woman who is suffering from the loss of a future with their child. They should not be put in EPAU where you have to sit "outside" of the main ante-natal unit and see women who are in a position that you wish you were in or be told that it is game of russian roulette and that you are the unlucky one - I already knew that!

I believe that for something that is so common more sensitivity should be given -a designated room/unit to go to so that you do not have to sit with pregnant mums. A unit that has much more information about miscarriage for you to look at so that you know that you are not the only one - telephone numbers that you can call etc.

I just hope that more can be done because having a miscarriage is dreadful enough and just needs a little more thought into how and where women are treated after.

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