Hi, I just wanted to share my story, as I am still scared after giving birth in Newham Hospital and I wish I did my research before I headed to that place I now find horrible. It was my second pregnancy. First time I gave birth in another hospital, which was complicated, but such a good experience, staff were lovely and caring, to the point that when my midwife finished her shift, I was so sad that I cried like a baby as I did not want her to go. So, I did not think anything of the second pregnancy, I thought as I have been through it , it should be easier, but it was not.
I found the staff at the Newham hospital horrible, especially the night shift. I spent there couple days, in different units, from induction labour ward to birth labour to postnatal ward and I saw many staffs and only couple were really nice, but the rest were horrible, starting from the way they spoke to me to the way they checked me down there, I had to refuse being checked by certain lady, because she was so rough . When I told her how I feel, I expected her to be a bit more gentle, but instead, she was even rougher. I was crying from pain and she got annoyed with me , and went to get a doctor, who ended up checking me and I had no problem with.
Birth ward was even worse. The amount of people that went in and out of my room was crazy, female and MALE. They never asked me if I am ok with students in the room an when my partner told them to get out, because they were giving me epidural, which is quite serious procedure, the anaesthetist was sarcastic and told me, my husband is a jealous one, with a laugh. At that moment I did not care as I was having contractions, but looking back, I can only say it was not appropriate, they should have asked me if I am ok with with people coming in and out of my room, and not to make funny comments about my partner. Not to mention that they gave me epidural, (which I did ask for), but did not check how far dilated I was and I was fully dilated and ready to push, so there was no point to put my life at risk, if she only checked me.
After giving birth to my daughter, I was bleeding ,which I did in my first time as well, was stitched up and had no problems, but with this midwife if I was so painful that I had to ask to stop, I did not care if I am going to bleed out at that point, I just could not bear the way she handled me, I would rather get a blood transfer. I could tell you even more, but I would be here all day, so I am just gonna finish here,
I am not a type a person who writes reviews, but I just wanted to share my story, as I am still scared after that experience, and it has been almost 3 months now.
Just do your research because I didn't .
Good luck,
"Giving birthing at Newham General Hospital"
About: Newham General Hospital / Maternity care Newham General Hospital Maternity care E13 8SL
Posted by ljali4ka (as ),
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