I have been recieving treatment from chillout for the last year, I have been a cannabis user for 20 years and with the help off chillout, in particulartly Lee, I have reduced my usage to a small percentage.
I am aiming to quit totally with the on going help from chill out, I have found their services second to none and wouldn't be where I am now without there help.
Lee is understanding and caring and helps you to set goals and motivate yourself to fulfill the goals. I would recommend these services to anyone in need of help in quitting the the devils smoke they call cannabis.
Chillout is a very important service to have as the one to one support is very much needed when trying to quit.
I would like to thanks all at chill out for all their help, guidance and support!
"CHILL OUT nottingham"
About: Addiction services (community) / COSS (Chill Out Sound Support) Addiction services (community) COSS (Chill Out Sound Support) Nottingham NG7 4HE
Posted by healthyus (as ),
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