My husband attends A and E and usually the Combined Assessment Unit a couple of times a year due to complications of his auto-immune condition. Every time he receives different care, protocols and faces differing levels of knowledge of his condition.
This culminated on the most recent occasion in medication being withheld despite him repeatedly asking to see a doctor to discuss this as he understands his condition isn't common and not generally well understood. He felt frustrated and quite scared. Such a disappointment after an amazing care experience when I gave birth to my son last year.
We are apprehensive about our next admission now!
"Inconsistent Care"
About: Crosshouse Hospital / Accident & Emergency Crosshouse Hospital Accident & Emergency KA2 0BE Crosshouse Hospital / Combined Assessment Unit (CAU) Crosshouse Hospital Combined Assessment Unit (CAU) KA2 0BE
Posted by KG87 (as ),
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