I've never had any complaints about this surgery until the last few months.I had recurring water infections which is unusual for me and had to speak to a locus GP who was absolutely awful..rude,patronising and insulting.I am 59 years old and happily married but was asked if I had other sexual partners and told that I wasnt drinking enough and didn't need antibiotics.However because I asked he sent away a sample and. 3days later I had to waste another appointment because I did I have an infection and needed antibiotics.
Strangely enough the same locum who caused me to waste.2 Appts accused my daughter in law of being the reason the NHS is in crisis because she took a very lethargic toddler with a severe cold to get checked during the flu scare.He shouldn't be allowed to speak to practice with that kind of attitude and I and my family will refuse to see him again
I look forward to feedback from the practice
"Going downhill"
About: Brockwell Medical Group Brockwell Medical Group Cramlington NE23 1XZ
Posted via nhs.uk
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