"I’m frustrated that I accepted the appointment at all"

About: Falkirk Community Hospital / Opthalmology

(as a service user),

I have just abandoned a review appointment at Falkirk community eye clinic after confusion about the time of the appointment which had been rescheduled, and finding that the clinic was running 2 HOURS  late. This would have meant a 3 hour wait to begin the clinic process, which in my experience has at least 3 stages with additional multiple waits usually taking 2 or more hours. Making my visit not less than 5 hours. 

This was a review appointment to “check” nothing else had happened since my last visit- a fact I could already tell them. So why was the appointment necessary, since they were already clear that no treatment was required and no new information would be discovered? I’m frustrated that I accepted the appointment at all!

In contrast, at a regular vision check this week with an opticians, I was seen on time, my eye Health was discussed with me, a clear explanation was given which the optition checked I fully understood, I was previously given high quality written material to take away, and choices about what I wanted to do next we’re discussed with me. I left very satisfied. 

I have a number of suggestions: 

1. When sending a reschedule letter DO NOT put the original time above the new time - I’m not likely to be the only person who can be confused by this. 

2. Instead of offering a “watchful waiting “ review appointment, respect the patient to self manage by taking time to explain what is happening and when to come back for more help. In response to my written questions (having previously been given only the unhelpful “fine” as feedback) at my last appointment they did try to answer my questions, but I did not have enough understanding of the structure of my eye to grasp it (and the optician I saw later was able to give me the context I needed) and despite saying that they did not know if the process happening in my eye was complete and still would not know at the next appointment, nevertheless still advised coming back! No wonder the clinic runs 2 hours late - I wonder how many other patients are taking up clinic time for no discernible benefit?!

I would like to say that everyone who I interacted with over my repeated visits has been polite and has tried to be responsive but the clinic is a circus with constant juggling of rooms, equipment, processes and communication. There has to be a more patient centred way of doing this and I’m confident improving approaches to give good quality clear and written information  and encourage self management would release significant time for those urgent or vulnerable patients who can really benefit and really need the expert assessment and treatment of highly skilled and scarce opthamology services. 

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Response from Dianne Hagart, Operational Manager, NHS Forth Valley 5 years ago
Dianne Hagart
Operational Manager,
NHS Forth Valley
Submitted on 13/09/2019 at 11:08
Published on Care Opinion at 11:08

I am so sorry to read about your poor experience at the eye clinic and would like to look into this further in order to understand what went wrong. Please feel free to contact me directly on 07795 052 807 to discuss your experience further.

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