"Tongue tie clinic Glasgow"

About: Royal Hospital for Children (Glasgow) / Paediatrics

(as a parent/guardian),

I was referred to the tongue tie clinic for my 2 week old daughter. We were advised that the waiting list is approximately 10weeks. Babies can only have their tongue tie cannot be cut after 12 weeks. It’s then a more complicated procedure. Various NHS employees have stated that the clinic hasn’t been running for months as the staff are not available. This seems like poor management. For breastfeeding to be a priority it needs to be supported with appropriate resources. I’m now having to look at paying for the procedure to be done privately. I’ve been quoted £300 from a private hospital.  

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Response from Patricia Friel, Acting Chief Nurse, Paediatrics, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 5 years ago
We are preparing to make a change
Patricia Friel
Acting Chief Nurse, Paediatrics,
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Submitted on 18/10/2019 at 12:11
Published on Care Opinion at 14:34

Dear McGoo

I am writing in response to your posting on Care Opinion regarding the waiting time for Frenotomy. I am the Lead Nurse who has responsibility for the Specialist Infant Feeding Clinics including Frenotomy. I am really sorry that the earliest appointment available to you is in 10 weeks time. Unfortunately due to long term absence we have only been able to provide a reduced number of clinics supported by a practitioner from NHS Lanarkshire.

I wish to express how sorry I am that your experience is not at all what we strive to provide. We would aim to see women within 4 weeks of referral for frenotomy. Babies who require frenotomy can be seen up to 16 weeks within the Specialist Infant feeding Frenotomy clinic.

Presently we are looking across our maternity, paediatric and neonatal services to identify clinicians who could support delivery of the clinic or be trained to undertake the procedure

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