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"Nursing care on the Vascular Ward"

About: Morriston Hospital / General Medicine

(as a relative),

 A relative was admitted to Morriston Hospital Swansea. We couldn't fault the surgical team ( they were excellent) however, the nursing care on the ward was virtually non -existent.

During the admission we observed patients falling after using the bathroom unsupervised, dressings going unchanged, nurse call bells being ignored for 20 mins + and patient information being miscommunicated to relatives. I have little confidence in their infection control procedures. I think management needs to take a long hard look at how this ward is running. It is as though the patients are an inconvenience - the majority if the nursing staff seemed to spend most of their time sitting huddled at the nursing station on their mobile phones chatting about their night out or next holiday. Clearly, Nursing is simply a job and not a vocation.....  they should be thoroughly ashamed of their lack of care.

I can tell you one thing - this ward will never be out of work, as I think their poor clinical care will end up creating vascular problems.

Ban mobile phones, bring back the matron and the nightingale wards.... then they would have nowhere to hide. 

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Response from Swansea Bay University Health Board 5 years ago
Submitted on 05/11/2019 at 15:54
Published on Care Opinion at 15:54

Dear John dough,

We are extremely concerned reading your post.

Please can you contact us urgently on 01639 683316, as we need to identify the ward you are referring to. If you are prepared to provide patient details, we would be grateful for this.

We need to address this situation immediately with the Unit Nurse Director for Morriston Hospital.

We would be most grateful if you can contact us as soon as possible.

Kindest regards

Patient Experience Team

SB Health Board

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Update posted by John dough (a relative)

The Ward is R ward. We will not identify the patient for fear of reprisals.The thought of our relative returning to this ward absolutely terrified us. The Director of Nursing does indeed need to urgently look at nursing practices on this ward.

Response from Swansea Bay University Health Board 5 years ago
Submitted on 11/11/2019 at 12:38
Published on Care Opinion at 12:38

Dear Mr Dough,

I am very concerned to read the comments concerning Ward R at Morriston Hospital. I would like to reassure that as the Interim Unit Nurse Director I take any concerns raised very seriously and at this stage I can only apologise for any distress caused to the patient and yourselves as a family.

I have instructed my team to urgently review the ward to ensure that no patients are at risk. I would happily meet with you and to reassure that the identity of the patient would not cause any reprisals but would help us to further understand the concerns and hopefully reassure.


Paul S. Davies

Interim Unit Nurse Director / Associate Director of Nursing

Morriston Hospital Delivery Unit.

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