I have been in services and on a maintenance prescription for over 20 years. When CGL took over we heard stories about mandatory groups to get your prescription and once again it was another change of company so just thought same old story do test get script and get out. I couldn't have been more wrong.
I was the biggest person against groups I hadn't engaged in 20 years. I now attend every group that I can I've been clean for nearly 6 months and I can honestly say in the 20 years I have been a service user I have never been in the place that I am now, CGL care about my recovery and actively helps in any way it can to help achieve sobriety and a life in recovery, something I feel I didn't get from other services.
The workers have really made this place comfortable safe and the most un-judgemental place to come to we are not segregated, keep out the way and there was a them and us mentality but that's no longer exists in CGL wisbech we are actually looked at as humans for once and this means so much. I am training to be a peer mentor now I am abstinent so I can give back to the amazing people at CGL and the amazing recovery community I am now part of.
My life no longer feels like its wasted it feels like its all lead up to this moment to help others and give back the help and support I myself have been one of the lucky ones to be able to receive and now want to give back. CGL want to include service users and for me this has been the major difference in helping me stay clean. thank you CGL wisbech
"My life no longer feels like its wasted"
About: Change Grow Live Cambridgeshire / Wisbech Change Grow Live Cambridgeshire Wisbech PE13 1BW
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Update posted by conditionercx56 (a service user) 5 years ago
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