"Parking at your primary care centre"

About: Stockport NHS Foundation Trust Tameside and Glossop PCT

(as the patient),

I would like to inform you about my concern on parking at your Ashton Primary Care Centre, we have been referred there from tameside hospital and are under the care of the orthodontics.

We have to leave very early for time to drive around for parking and normally are forced to park on a bit of waste land, but staff have lots of parking with empty places that the general public cannot gain entry to even with appointments there.

I have asked staff, at the reception, and was told that there is parking in the centre of Ashton. I think that is unacceptable that you can open a Ashton Primary Care Centre and have no parking for patients that attend for care. I am not able to park in Ashton centre as I have a back problems and struggle walk that far and my son is 15 year old and not old enough to attend on his own.

Please can you advise on how this has been passed by planning to open a Ashton Primary Care Centre with no parking near by for patients. Your website advises that you have good Eco results but what you are saving in one box you be losing in anouther with patients driving around looking for parking.

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