I was put on co codamol tablets for my migraines 5 years ago, at first I was ok only taking them when I got a migraine and they worked so well, I don’t know how it started exactly but over time I loved the feeling codeine tablets gave me. I was always happy they would help me to sleep and make me more confident in life.
After 2 years my sister finally noticed my addiction and she rang the doctors, which I was then made an appointment to see a doctor and she put me on anti depressants and just told me to stop taking codeine, I did try I managed a year without them, but then I started again but this time it got worse.
I was taking 32 tablets within 2 days. I would get angry and agitated if I never took them, I started having therapy for my anxiety which then I told my story of addiction to my therapist, she then referred me to cgl which I wasn’t going to go at first as I didn’t think anyone could help me and didn’t want anyone taking my happy pills away from me, but I was so worried about the damage it was causing to my body. I was also so numb everyday I was in a world of my own, so I went to my appointment with cgl, and they was great.
It didn’t take long before they put me on a plan to help me ease of the codeine tablets I always thought I was weird that I was addicted to tablets I thought I was the only one until I started reading up and was amazed there was so many others like me that was addicted to codeine and couldn’t see a way out, so I’m now on espranor tablets I take 10mg a day And they're working great.
The first 2 weeks I was sick but I couldn’t believe that I wasn’t even thinking of codeine tablets once on espranor, it’s been 5 months now and I haven’t had any codeine I haven’t once thought about it either and I’m such a happier person. I didn’t realise what damage it was doing to me I didn’t even recognise myself I was numb everyday didn’t speak to anyone, always tired, I am so thankful to the cgl team they have been great, even call me once a week to see how I am and just for a chat.
I’ve also found another way to control my migraines and would never touch a codeine tablet again they ruined me and are just so addictive, I urge anyone that can see there getting addicted to get help straight away, I was a lucky one my blood tests came back ok but my insides could have been damaged a lot more if I would of carried on or I could have overdosed myself, a big thank you to cgl they work so so hard and are there to help anyone who has an addiction, they act more like there your friend than doing a job,
"Addiction to codeine tablets"
About: CGL Birmingham / East Hub CGL Birmingham East Hub B33 9EJ
Posted by Nicki88 (as ),
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