"More choice for patients - Any Qualified Provider (AQP)"

About: Community Health

(as a staff member),

AQP is a national initiative to change the way certain healthcare services are funded and provided. Podiatry has been chosen as one of the services to be provided through AQP.

Organisations, like ourselves, that provide core podiatry services have gone through an accreditation process and, from October 2012, patients will be able to choose which of these qualified providers they would like to go to for their treatment.

If your GP refers you for core podiatric treatment, he or she will offer you a choice of provider.

Core podiatric conditions provided through AQP include:

• Painful corns and calluses

• Ingrowing toenails

• Heel pain

County Health Partnerships is a Qualified Provider for core podiatry services. Services are provided from 25 sites throughout Nottinghamshire, in locations convenient for our patients.

We are committed to providing high quality care and treatment – and the results of our latest patient survey show we are achieving this: 98% of our patients say the quality of our service is Excellent or Good.

If you would like more information on County Health Partnerships Podiatry Service please call us on:

01623 673849 Monday-Friday 10am – 4pm, answer phone at all other times.

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Response from Jenny Newman, Digital Health Project Manager, Health Partnerships, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 11 years ago
Jenny Newman
Digital Health Project Manager, Health Partnerships,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 06/10/2012 at 07:42
Published on Care Opinion at 09:42

picture of Jenny Newman

Thanks for sharing the information on Any Qualified Provider, it is great to see the service has been selected as a provider of choice for quality care.

I am looking forward to seeing the impact on patient experience, with patients and carers being at the heart of new ways of working.

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