"Dermatology issue"

About: Glasgow Royal Infirmary / Dermatology

(as a service user),

In the early weeks of lockdown my scheduled dermatology appointment was cancelled. I’ve been on a maintenance dose of isotretinoin for about two years for persistent acne (one week a month, low dose, prescribed six months at a time). When I was told about the cancellation I asked could I still receive my prescription and have my bloods monitored in the community as they are regularly monitored for other medication I am in. The junior doctor I was dealing with refused and felt now was a perfect time to see if I still required this medication. I understood why my appointment was cancelled but did not agree with this decision and let them know, however I could do nothing about it.

Now three months later my skin is breaking out, I am feeling very self-conscious, don’t want to see people, having to look at going private (which would cost around £1500 pounds) and have since discovered the guidance from the British Association if Dermatologists allows for what I had a suggested - yet the dermatology department won’t issue me with a prescription as it’s “against the guidance”.

I feel incredibly self-conscious and worthless. I understand the impact and pressure of coronavirus as I also work in the NHS but feel I’ve just been abandoned and will require a full course of isotretinoin again at a greater cost if I don’t go private soon. People may think acne is not a serious issue but it really affects mental wellbeing.

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Response from Con Gillespie, Associate Chief Nurse, Clyde Sector, NHSGGC 4 years ago
Con Gillespie
Associate Chief Nurse, Clyde Sector,
Submitted on 16/06/2020 at 17:19
Published on Care Opinion on 17/06/2020 at 09:47

Dear Kelro

Thanks you for taking the time to provide us with feedback regarding the Dermatology service.

During the COVID Pandemic we have had to prioritise the delivery of our service. This was so that we can fully support patients with acute health problems. This has meant we have not be able to run some services as we would normally like to.

While fully recognising the stress and anxiety your condition causes you, our regular Isotretinoin service has had to be significantly curtailed because of these challenges.

We are very keen to help out with any problems that arise.

I would suggest that it might be best if you contact me via email and I will liaise with clinical staff to see what we can do to help you.

My email is Con.Gillespie@ggc.scot.nhs.uk.

I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully resolve your concern.

Yours sincerley


Con Gillespie

Lead Nurse



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Update posted by Kelro (a service user)

Issue was resolved with help of Con and a prescription issued. I would like to thank Con, consultant and Consultants secretary.

Response from Con Gillespie, Associate Chief Nurse, Clyde Sector, NHSGGC 4 years ago
Con Gillespie
Associate Chief Nurse, Clyde Sector,
Submitted on 22/06/2020 at 11:31
Published on Care Opinion at 11:45

Many thanks, glad this is now resolved, I will pass on your gratitude to staff involved.



Con Gillespie

Lead Nurse


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