"Out of Hours CPN GG&C"

About: Mental Health Resource Centres

(as a service user),

Called the OOH CPN service for help with my mental health. Waited an hour for an initial call back and then a further 45mins when I requested to speak to a female CPN.

The CPN couldn’t have been less interested in what I had to say. Within the first 5 mins it felt she had written me off. Her manner was insulting and neglectful.

Thankfully this is an isolated incident as I’ve always had good experiences in the past with the service. However, it will make me think twice about contacting them as I felt worse after the call than before it.

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Response from Nicole McInally, Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 4 years ago
Nicole McInally
Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 07/08/2020 at 13:57
Published on Care Opinion at 13:57

picture of Nicole McInally

Dear HBK1986

I am disappointed to hear about your phone call with the Out of Hours CPN. Our patients should be treated with respect, compassion and dignity and I am sorry that this was not your experience.

If you need urgent help or are having crisis out of hours you can call NHS 24 on 111. If you just need to talk with someone, then the following organisations can help.

Samaritans - 116 123 (freephone) Breathing Space - 0800 83 85 87 (freephone)

I will share your story with the service, but it would be helpful if you could contact me with your personal details (including your date of birth) so we can look into this further. My email address is Nicole.McInally@ggc.scot.nhs.uk

Please do not let this experience deter you from accessing the service when you need it.

Take Care


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Update posted by Hbk1986 (a service user)

If I thought that contacting you directly would do any more than posting here then I would. Unfortunately there’s a ‘blame culture’ within mental health services in which the staff take no responsibility for any wrongdoing or how to improve. The patients are stigmatised by the very people that they are supposed to be helping.

I’ve used mental health services for around 5 years. In that time I’ve come across some wonderful people who truly provide person-centred care. However, these people are now few and far between.

The CPNs on the out of hours service cannot see past a diagnosis. They have already made up their mind that you are attention-seeking or manipulative. This is a very dangerous assumption to make as it could drive people further off the edge. From my own experience, I’ve certainly finished a call feeling worse and doing the very thing that I had called them to help me with.

The tone and content of what has been said to me at times is appalling. I should not be treated like a second class citizen because I have a mental health problem.

These people need to revisit their training on compassionate and person-centred care. And if they’re incapable of that then perhaps they should not be in the job anymore.

Response from Nicole McInally, Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 4 years ago
Nicole McInally
Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 12/08/2020 at 13:44
Published on Care Opinion at 13:44

picture of Nicole McInally

Dear Hbk1986

I am sorry to read that you have experienced some negative responses when contacting mental health services out of hours and you feel that your opinion would not influence change in service delivery. I can assure you that your comments and experiences will be discussed with the Out of Hours CPNs at the next team meeting and they will include your views in shaping mental health services moving forward. However if you change your mind and you would like to speak with Gillian Reilly, Specialist Services Manager to discuss your personal experience she is available on 0141 211 6606.

Kind Regards


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