"Leighton hospital lack of continence help"

About: Leighton Hospital / Urology

(as the patient),

I do like the response from Leighton hospital urology department. "BOTOX IS CONSIDERED AND OFFERED TO PATIENTS AS AND WHEN APPROPRIATE". I find the above statement rather sad. I can also confirm that Leighton hospital urology department consider botox, I can also confirm that they offer botox too! I was considered and offered botox during many hospital appointments. The problem was every time someone offers you it, it is then taken away by someone higher up because they say that you haven't got an excitable bladder on urodynamics. I think it is very very cruel to offer patients hope and then take that hope away. I don't wish a response from mcht this is just my little story of how i feel. This is written as a reminder of how patients feel when they are let down by the nhs, it doesn't require a response just read me now and again!
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Response from Patient Opinion 16 years ago
Submitted on 02/04/2008 at 09:44
Published on Care Opinion at 01:00

Thank you for your most recent posting. We have really appreciated that you have taken the time to talk about your experiences on the site. It sounds like you have had a difficult time. We acknowledge that you are not asking for a response so bringing the discussion to an end. However, we would still hope that if you needed to talk through your experiences you would contact the Mid Cheshire Trust PALS service on 01270612410 or email.
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