"Where are community health services on Patient Opinion?"

About: Patient Opinion

(as a staff member),

Immersive Reader

Can people, staff, patients, children and young people make comments about community nursing services like school nurses and health visiting?

I think it would be extremely useful if possible - whilst safeguarding child/families anonymity.

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Response from 16 years ago
Submitted on 23/04/2008 at 14:40
Published on Care Opinion at 01:00

Immersive Reader
Great question! Although we started off covering only hospital care, we have begun adding other services to Patient Opinion in recent months. For example, we now list most hospices in England and Wales. Adding community health services is a bit more difficult because there doesn't seem to be an accurate central list of services which we can use. We have started working with primary care trusts in some areas to do this, so with any luck you will see feedback on community nursing services start to appear in coming months.
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