"Waiting List- Steroid Injections"

About: Lawson Memorial Hospital

(as a service user),

I have been having regular steroid injections over the last 6 or so years. My last injections which were a caudal and is joint injection was given in September 2019. As waiting lists are incredibly long I was expecting my next treatment in September 2020 even through I should have them every 3/4 months. Due to the pandemic I received a call from a nurse in spring/summer last year to say that steroid injections were not taken place due to the fact that they lower immunity which was too risky during the pandemic. That is fair enough and very understandable so I had no problem whatsoever with that.

At the time I was advised that when I received my cover vaccine I should get my GP to refer me back to the clinic. I was also advised that since I was shielding I would be one of the first to get the vaccine and go back on the waiting list. I am having my cover vaccine this Friday so I called the pain clinic and was told that I need my GP to refer me. I asked how long the waiting list was and was told around 12 months. I called my GP who has agreed to re refer me. As I did not understand why wait so long I rang back and was told its because the list is made up of different treatments some of which do not need steroid treatment.

I am not sure why I was taken off list rather than my name being halted on the system. The only thing I can think is that it would help with reporting figures to Government. Also I do not understand why it is a mixed list apart from the fact that there is only one consultant doing the list. Surely how this waiting list is handled is completely wrong. Plus if other patients were taken off other lists how on earth can this health crisis been handled if nobody knows how many patients are affected.

The consultant does a remarkable job and I appreciate these are unprecedented times. However I believe that to ensure health inequalities do not happen proper procedures should be in place to delay treatments during cover but to be able to report on and put proper resources in place when things improve. It also seems ridiculous that GP’s have to bear the brunt of the task of re-referring for ongoing chronic conditions.

Please note I do not want or wish to be jumped up the list just because I make my views known. I only want whats fair and equitable and for services to be given additional resources were applicable. Maybe even ask private companies to support the backlog which must have built up throughout

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