"Colonoscopy at Torbay Hospital"

About: Torbay Hospital

Anything else?

I recently underwent a Colonoscopy Examination at Torbay Hospital. The team carrying out the examination was absolutely superb, and I cannot praise each member of it too highly for the professional manner in which they conducted themselves. Prior to the examination I had been very nervous, but any fears I had were quickly dispelled by the reassurance and considerable kindness shown to me. I was kept informed on all that was going on, any question I had was answered and everyone could not have been more caring or considerate. Despite that each had a role to play, some more important than others, it would be impossible to differentiate between members of the team, as each did her job to perfection. It was practical medicine/nursing at its very best.

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Response from Torbay Hospital 11 years ago
Torbay Hospital
Submitted on 05/02/2013 at 15:18
Published on nhs.uk on 06/02/2013 at 04:15

We are delighted to read your encouraging comments and to hear that your care and treatment reached the high standards we constantly strive to achieve. Staff appreciate hearing about patients’ positive experiences and your feedback will be shared with those concerned.

Thank you for taking the time to comment.

South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

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