I endured what I can only describe as torture with a womb biopsy 3 weeks ago at Peterborough hospital.
I had no information that this procedure would/could take place on my appointment letter, for my first appointment at the gynaecology department. I was not told to take pain killers prior to the appointment or take someone with me to the appointment.
I was offered no pain relief/sedation or anaesthetic, when I asked if this would hurt, the consultant told me it will just feel like period cramps. I was literally screaming and crying with the pain, it was nothing like period cramps!
At no point was I asked if I wanted the procedure stopped, when I was obviously distressed and in unacceptable pain. It was horrific having tissue taken from my womb with no anaesthetic, if I had known how much pain this would cause, there is no way would I have agreed to this.
I was not asked if I had anyone with me until after the procedure was done, and I was alone at the hospital, in tears and very shaken. I was told by a nurse to hang around the hospital for half an hour. I nearly passed out and was very nauseous after and had to lie back down until I felt well enough to get dressed.
I had no aftercare advice at all given to me, regarding do not use tampons, have sex or to shower instead of bathing etc, all of this I found out online afterwards.
I cried for days just reliving this in my mind and couldn’t sleep with nightmares about it. I felt totally violated and have since put a complaint into the hospital. No woman should ever have to endure this pain! I would not wish this on my worst enemy!
"Very unpleasant biopsy"
About: Peterborough City Hospital / Gynaecology Peterborough City Hospital Gynaecology Peterborough PE3 9GZ
Posted by Lisajb21 (as ),
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