My mother recently became ill and was the first time that she had needed the health service in 30 years since my Dad died. This health service let her and my sister and I down so badly that she died.
My mother became ill towards the end of April. We are not sure what really happened only that she took to her bed. We believe that she had been drinking alcohol for some time and suddenly had given this up. My mother became physically ill with sweats, a water works infection, double inconntinent and high sugar levels and was dis-orientated., This we knew as we had spoken with NHS direct, had the doctor out to see her and several Paramedics out as her condition had deteriorated so much that we (my sister and ) were so frightened that we feared for her life. My mother was not in control of her faculties as she was in denial that she was ill;. She refused to go with the ambulance crew on no less than four occasions. They would not take her against her will and walked away from us! Her GP, the social worker (who was less than uselss and took then four days to come to see her), a CPN, two on call doctors and a Consultant all agreed that she should be in hospitial and we should act on the grounds of medically capacity act. My mother continued to deteriorate. The last on call doctor to come out decided to put her in the hands of the district nurses who could care for her incontinence and other personal hygine issues. This was on May 3rd (saturday) The nurses then found some pressure sores that may become infected. The began to treat her for these and she was precriobed some anti biotics for any infection she may have. After the Bank Holiday, a more senior sister came out and was very concerned for my mother. They did some bloods at that point (the first time that this was done). A CPN was asked to come out with a SHO. This was booked for the day after on the 7th May. She said she could not assess my mother as she was not listenign to her (my mother was deaf). The bloods were back with a hight white cell count. We decided to get a GP our from her surgery. Thsi was a different GP, Dr. Craven. When doctor Craven came out she was fearful for my mums life. Whilst she was there, the two District Nurses came out. My mothers blood pressure was 80/40 at this point. Dr Craven rang for an amulance and we all agreed that we would not let the ambulance staff go without her. When they cam, the were not for takign her as she was still in denial. My sister and I lfted her up off the bed and then she came with us all to hosipial. This was at 17.00 hours, my mother passed away in Royal Preston Hospital at 22.15 that day. She died of septicemia and celulitis. This system has let my mother down. My sister and I have endured this ordeal with her for three weeks and watched her die more of less. Please do not let this happen to soemone else. My only thread of comfort with all this is that at least she died in a clean warm bed with people that care surrounding her.
"My Mothers Ordeal"
About: Central Lancashire PCT Central Lancashire PCT Leyland PR26 6TR Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust Preston PR5 6AW North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust Bolton BL1 5DD Royal Preston Hospital Royal Preston Hospital Preston PR2 9HT
Posted by ChristineJ (as ),
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