"My journey to recovery (free from alcohol)"

About: Inclusion Recovery Hampshire / Aldershot

(as a service user),

I have been a service user with Inclusions Aldershot since May 2020. My allocated keyworker is Peter.

When joining inclusions, I was nervous, as it was the first time, I had addressed my drinking and I had no idea what to expect. Firstly, I had a phone call assessment in which Peter explained to me the process and invited me to join Monday morning ‘steppingstones’ meeting. I was scared when I joined this meeting, but I quickly felt safe and that I had made the right decision. Peter was very welcoming, and I felt comfortable enough to share. There was no pressure put upon me and I felt listened to with no judgement. Peter (as well as the other peer members) introduced me to tools I could use to reduce which I quickly put into action. I enjoyed these meetings, and everyone has been very supportive. After around a month, Peter asked me if I would like to join the IRP group, which is an informative group with slide shows whereas group members we could learn about what brings people to addiction and helped to aid me in recovery. Again, this was a supportive, non-judgemental group, which helped me to build a “tool belt” of ideas to help me reduce and understand what my “triggers” are as well as what distractions I could use to help my recovery.

The staff at inclusion me the confidence to seek further help for my mental health and shortly after joining, I made an appointment with my doctor who diagnosed me with depression.

I then joined another group called “small goals” and through myself into my recovery, Peter has regularly checked in on me with 1 to 1 phone calls and I feel that the service is person centred.

Although I managed to reduce from three bottles of wine a night down to one, Peter realised that past traumas were blocking me from that final push to abstinence. Peter arranged for me to have CBT sessions, unfortunately although these were helpful, the Counsellor thought that because I had suffered multiple complex traumas, I would need more intricate Counselling. She was unable to Counsel me whilst still drinking (which is understandable). I thought that I was stuck because I just could not make that final push. Again, Peter was supportive and went through the channels for me to attend a detox centre. Inclusions were very thorough, and I had several face-to-face meetings with Peter and a nurse. The process was explained to me, and I was fully informed before I went.

I arrived at ANA in Portsmouth at the beginning of September for my 10-day detox and through myself into the process. After a few days I started getting night terrors and was really struggling. Peter went above and beyond to get me extra time in ANA, and I ended up there for 3 weeks. When I left Peter was straight on the phone arranging a face-to-face meeting, to help me with my aftercare.

Today as I write this, I am 65 days sober, I am still attending Monday morning meetings and Peter checks in with me.

I owe Inclusions my life, without them I would never have been able to stop drinking, I would never have the courage to go to the Doctor about my depression and I would never have the confidence to address my past.

I want to say thank you to all the staff at inclusion for their dedication and hard work. They really are making a positive impact to many people and helping to change lives!

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Amanda Winetroube, South Sector Manager, Inclusion 2 years ago
Amanda Winetroube
South Sector Manager,
Submitted on 12/11/2021 at 12:02
Published on Care Opinion at 12:02

Thank you for your recent feedback and for sharing your recovery journey.

Firstly I would like to congratulate you on being 65 days sober. This is such a wonderful achievement and demonstrates through having the courage to ask for support and then engage in all the care and treatment that was offered to you, positive change can really be achieved!

I am delighted that you have found the group work in Aldershot and the encouragement and support from your recovery worker so beneficial in your recovery. It is great that through working alongside others you were able to identify your triggers and learn helpful tools to aid your recovery. I am also pleased that you have been able to access mental health support and that the experience of detox and aftercare was a positive one.

I will pass your feedback onto Peter and the Aldershot Team.

It sounds like you have come a long way and I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the very best in your continued recovery.

Keep safe and well.

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