"Delayed Biopsy Results"

About: University Hospital Ayr / Day Surgery

(as a service user),

Attended an outpatient appointment in September. I felt well cared for and the team of nurses and consultants couldn’t have been nicer! Particular thanks to the surgical team who removed my specimen for biopsy, they were fantastic and so kind! 

I was told that my biopsy would be sent to the lab as an urgent referral. The consultant explained that with the current situation, urgent results are taking around 6-8 weeks. I was absolutely fine with this. 

However; I have now been awaiting my results for 14 and a half weeks! I completely understand and sympathise with how busy and short staffed everywhere is, but after calling today I was told it could still be another 2-3 weeks until I hear anything and if I’ve not received anything to call back again! I am trying to be understanding as I know the current situation is no one’s fault, but surely 4 months is an unacceptable time to wait to receive what was meant to be ‘urgent’ biopsy results? Waiting on results is an uneasy time anyway, made all the worse by having to wait an exceptional amount of time! 

I really do thank everyone for how kind and caring they were during my visit and for all everyone is doing during these hard times, but I am disappointed in how long results seem to be taking. 

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Response from Hazel Hynd, Acute Services Business Manager, University Hospital Ayr, NHS Ayrshire & Arran 2 years ago
Hazel Hynd
Acute Services Business Manager, University Hospital Ayr,
NHS Ayrshire & Arran
Submitted on 17/01/2022 at 11:10
Published on Care Opinion at 11:10

Dear pavobf46

Thank you highlighting your recent experiences. I appreciate that this has been a very stressful time and fully understand your concerns in relation to the waiting time for results from your biopsy. Patients have been advised that results are taking considerably longer than usual due to the in extremis scale of demands and pressures on the service at present. If you would like me to look into your particular details please do not hesitate to contact me and I will make further enquiries.

My contact details are Hazel Hynd, Business Manager, Acute Services, UHA, email hazel.hynd@aapct.scot.nhs.uk

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