"Experience with CAMHS appointment"

About: NHS Lothian

(as a carer),

Our daughter has autism and currently is on CAMHS waiting list . We were sent a Near Me  appointment with a Psychologist ,and another clinician  to discuss attending a course to help manage our daughter's anxiety . Both my husband and I made a special effort to be at the appointment together (the appointment had been sent with only a few days notice and I had to reschedule several work meetings in order to be able to attend).

However ,no one "turned up "at the arranged time. we phoned CAMHS to find out what was happening and got a phone call from the psychologist half an hour later. They explained that a decision had been made to cancel all the appointments with families related to discussing the course as the letters had gone out late ( no one had  informed us that the appointment had been cancelled ) .

 I was feeling quite stressed and explained that we had to make  a special effort to come to the appointment together . Also our daughter has misophonia and does not tolerate us speaking in the house  and we had arranged to have the meeting in our summerhouse in the garden and got a friend to be with the children  .

The Psychologist must have picked up on the stress aspect . She offered to have the appointment later the same morning as this was easiest for us .

 We really just wanted to thank her for being so  flexible !!

life with two autistic children is stressful enough without also having to stress about appointments being rescheduled .

 My husband in particular found the consultation very helpful and it was really important for me for both of us to be there but had the appointment been moved to another day I would have probably had to attend on my own. I hope this feedback helps to see our perspective. 

Perhaps a bit more thought could be put into sending out appointment letters well ahead of time to avoid this happening again in future .

 It was all quite stressful but ok in the end!

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Response from Jeannette Morrison, Head of Patient Experience, NHS Lothian 2 years ago
Jeannette Morrison
Head of Patient Experience,
NHS Lothian
Submitted on 14/02/2022 at 15:55
Published on Care Opinion at 15:55

Dear Rucki,

Thank you very much for taking the time to get in touch with us via Care Opinion and please can I apologise for the delay with my response.

I am so sorry to read that your appointment was cancelled at short notice, you should have been made aware of this change and l would like to apologise that this did not happen. I can only imagine the arrangements that you needed to put in place for your children to allow you and your husband to attend this consultation.

I was pleased to read that later that day you were able to speak with the Psychologist and that you found your conversation to be helpful, especially as your husband was able to join the call. Please be assured that your feedback has been shared with the clinical team and l have asked them to reflect on your feedback.

Thank you again for taking the time to get in touch with us.

Kind regards


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful

Update posted by Rucki (a carer)

Thank you Jeanette. I was glad to receive your response.

Feedback was intended to be positive, to highlight flexibility of the clinician who agreed to see us at a later time on the same day.

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