"Haslar Hospital is a most friendly ..."

About: Royal Hospital Haslar

(as the patient),

What I liked:

Haslar Hospital is a most friendly and efficient place to receive treatment.

It is exceptionally clean so much so that you could eat a meal off of the floor (not literally of course)

What could be improved? To bring back the clinics and services that are gradually being transferred by stealth to the QA.Hospital.

With the infrastructure in the Gosport area it is vital that we keep this super hospital open.

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Response from Royal Hospital Haslar 16 years ago
Royal Hospital Haslar
Submitted on 13/05/2008 at 16:28
Published on nhs.uk on 17/07/2008 at 09:30

Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust replies: Thank you very much for your comments. There will be a gradual move over the coming 12 months of services from the Haslar site to the Queen Alexandra site in preparation for the opening of the new hospital in June 2009.

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