"Watford Maternity Care"

About: Watford General Hospital

Anything else?

I am pregnant again and intend to return to Watford General for my maternity care. The antenatal care (esp. the day assessment unit), post-op (observation) and clinical staff were absolutely fantastic - exactly what you want when you have a complicated labour like mine.

I'm also hoping I don't have to spend much time in Katherine Ward. It is desperately understaffed, especially at night. And the facilities aren't great - the toilets aren't cleaned often enough (often splattered with the blood of new mothers who can't bend down to clean it); the showers are horrible (nowhere to keep clothes dry, difficult to climb in/out after surgery, doors not closing).

If there was some way of having antenatal care and delivery at Watford, and then after being shipped off to a fully-staffed post-natal hospital ward fit for the 21st Century, that'd be just perfect.

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Response from Watford General Hospital 11 years ago
Watford General Hospital
Submitted on 28/05/2013 at 14:34
Published on nhs.uk on 29/05/2013 at 03:15

Thank you for taking the trouble and time to comment on your differing experiences within Watford General's Maternity Unit. Although we’re pleased to hear of your fantastic antenatal care, we’re concerned to hear of your postnatal experience. Naturally, we take issues where any patients or family members are unhappy with the care and service they have received very seriously. Regarding your comments on postnatal care, without full details of your specific case it is difficult to comment. But the importance of a wholly positive patient experience is one of our key objectives. Watford maternity unit is currently undergoing service redevelopment to both the antenatal and postnatal inpatient service areas. We have recognised that women need different levels of care and have redesigned the new services to facilitate this need. In the meantime, we know that our senior clinical colleagues will want to thoroughly investigate your concerns, so we can look into what went wrong for you and why. Apart from giving you some answers, if would also help put things right for you and other patients if we can. Therefore if you are willing to do so, please contact us directly at wherts-tr.complaintsteam@nhs.net . We will aim to thoroughly investigate your concerns promptly, and provide you with a detailed response.

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