"Communication and hospital transport"

About: Glasgow Royal Infirmary / Acute/Medical Receiving Unit (50,51,53)

(as a relative),

My Dad was discharged last Thursday from GRI ward 51. This did not happen  in the sequence I was informed the night before it would do. However the breakdown in communication seems the norm in my recent experiences with NHS GG & C. 

After discharge my Dad sat for over 4 hours waiting for hospital transport. I phoned the ward to be informed he does not meet the criteria for hospital transport and the Red Cross volunteers would be bringing him home. When asked if they knew when this would be I was informed no they have a list. Anyway shortly after my call my Mum  got a call to say he was on his way home in the Red Cross transport and very nice they were too.  So communication yet again seems to be a downfall of the NHS.

Why was I not informed this was the situation the night before? In addition to this, what I ask myself is the criteria for patient transport from the NHS? My Dad needs a 2 man ambulance to take him to and from dialysis but not to come out of hospital. 🤔

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Response from Paul Hayes, Patient Experience & Public Involvement Manager, Patient Experience Team, NHSGGC 2 years ago
Paul Hayes
Patient Experience & Public Involvement Manager, Patient Experience Team,
Submitted on 20/06/2022 at 17:44
Published on Care Opinion at 21:19

picture of Paul Hayes

Hello Wasso,

Thank you for sharing your fathers experience of care. I am sorry to hear about the communications difficulties you faced tracking his discharge journey and apologies for any distress caused as a result.

I am glad to hear your father had a positive experience of transport with the Red Cross volunteers, and will ensure your feedback is shared with them.

I also wanted to assure you that your feedback has been shared with the service leads at the GRI. In regards to your more specific feedback on patient discharge criteria, service leads have asked me to advise that this may be more effectively handled through the formal complaint process. This is to ensure your concerns can be thoroughly investigated and responded to.

This process can be found here: https://www.nhsggc.scot/contact-us/complaints/ and complaints made through this email address: complaints@ggc.scot.nhs.uk

Thank you for your feedback and I hope your father is doing well following discharge.


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