"Virtual visiting is a truly wonderful service"

About: Southern Health & Social Care Trust / Virtual Visiting Service

(as a relative),

This is a truly wonderful service with truly wonderful staff.

My 94 year old Dad and 88 year old Mum are in separate hospitals in the Southern Trust. Tara set up the first hospital-to-hospital virtual visit for them a couple of weeks ago and has arranged that they see and talk to each other every day since.

This has made such a huge difference to them and their recovery. They are rarely apart, normally. My mum actually thought something had happened my Dad and we hadn't told her because she was in hospital.

She had been lying in hospital with her heart breaking about him. When she saw and heard him she just couldn't believe it. THANK YOU from our whole family.

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Response from Mairead Casey, Patient Client Experience & 10,000 Voices Facilitator, Executive Directorate of Nursing Midwifery, AHP’s and Functional Support Services, Southern Health and Social Care Trust 2 years ago
Mairead Casey
Patient Client Experience & 10,000 Voices Facilitator, Executive Directorate of Nursing Midwifery, AHP’s and Functional Support Services,
Southern Health and Social Care Trust

Patient Client Experience & 10,000 Voices Facilitator for Southern Health and Social Services Trust.

Submitted on 10/08/2022 at 17:17
Published on Care Opinion at 17:17

picture of Mairead Casey

Good afternoon

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience of our Virtual Visiting Service in Southern Health and Social Services Trust. We recognise how difficult it is for patients and families at the minute due to Covid 19 and the current restrictions on visiting. It is wonderful to read your lovely comments about our service and how it has helped your mother and father and kept you all connected during what must have been a very difficult time for you all.

I have personally shared this story with our Virtual Visiting Team including Tara, they are just delighted to read your kind words.

Best wishes

Kind regards

Mairead Casey

Virtual Visiting Service

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