"Elderly patient needs ignored"

About: Croydon University Hospital / Accident and emergency

(as a carer),

My elderly Mum who has vascular dementia & Alzheimer’s was taken for  x rays. The ECG & blood pressure cuff leads were disconnected and these weren’t plugged back in again.

She is quite restless & now has leads wrapped around her & a heavy unit was sitting on her leg!

I went to the central desk & stood in front of a member of staff, so that I could ask if my Mum could have something to eat - completely ignored. Stopped a nurse walking past, she said she would tell the nurse - nothing happened.

Mum told me she needed to go to the loo, her mobility is poor, so she needed at least help, a walking frame & commode. Asked a nurse, who said they were dealing with something else.

Another nurse was using the sink & bins in Mum’s cubicle, so I asked about Mum going to the toilet, having something to eat & drink & if the leads etc could be put back where they should be. They told me they had finished & the nurse coming on would do it.

I am certain she soiled herself, no dignity for her at all. 

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