"Outpatients Altnagelvin ENT"

About: Altnagelvin Area Hospital / Ear, Nose & Throat

(as a staff member posting for a patient/service user),

The ENT clinic has always been very good to me as a patient. The staff are outstanding, courteous, kind and very helpful. The consultant Mr Zygaw is a gentleman and Nurse Paul is one too and very good at his job. I have always been made welcomed and assisted in every way. The care is excellent. Mickey is a great guy too, so kind. Can't forget nurse Deborah who is always there to help and explain things. the clinic is very organised and couldn't be better. Thank you for all you do before covid after covid and now 

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Response from Sinead McElwee, Lead Nurse for Ophthalmology, ENT, Head and Neck, Acute Services, WHSCT 2 years ago
Sinead McElwee
Lead Nurse for Ophthalmology, ENT, Head and Neck, Acute Services,
Submitted on 28/09/2022 at 09:15
Published on Care Opinion at 09:15

picture of Sinead McElwee

Thank you Vihe33 for taking your time to provide our team with such wonderful feedback. Its lovely to hear that you have such a positive experience whilst attending the ENT clinic. I will share your feedback with all involved.

Thank you

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