"Endocrine clinic"

About: South West Acute Hospital / Outpatient clinics

(as a staff member posting for a patient/service user),

todays visit was very efficient  Everyone was  very helpful especially  Rachel and Sara. My appointment was on time and everything ran very smoothly 

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Response from Grainne Blake, Outpatients Sister SWAH, Acute, WHSCT 2 years ago
Grainne Blake
Outpatients Sister SWAH, Acute,
Submitted on 26/10/2022 at 16:32
Published on Care Opinion at 16:46

Dear Vihe33

Thank you for taking the time to post this lovely feedback about the patient's experience while attending the Endocrine Clinic in South West Acute Hospital.

I am delighted to know that staff were helpful, there was no delay and things ran smoothly.

I will share this positive feedback with all staff working in Endocrine Clinic.

Many thanks again

Kind Regards

Grainne Blake, Outpatients Manager

South West Acute Hospital, Enniskillen

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