"The Emergency Department"

About: Northern Ireland Ambulance Service / Emergency ambulance response Royal Victoria Hospital / Accident & Emergency Royal Victoria Hospital / Care of the Elderly

(as a relative),

My elderly mother was very ill - having breathing difficulties and vomiting blood (and on the advice of the out of hours doctor), I called an ambulance for her.  The ambulance arrived in good time and the paramedics that arrived were fantastic - very attentive and helped make her more comfortable.  My mother was taken to the Royal Victoria, Belfast and admitted.  She stayed in a side room in RATU on the first night and while it was noisy and busy, it was adequate while she waited on a bed in the respiratory ward.  The next day, my mum was moved into the main ED ward.

When I came to visit her, I was shocked at the scene.  It was like a scene from a war zone - every bit of floor space was taken up by occupied trollies, even the aisles were blocked, and staff had to keep moving people to get about the ward.  My mother was placed in an aisle (going from one side of the ward to the other) and at one stage, there were 4 trollies side by side and my mother could touch the beds to each side of her.   

The trollies did not have tables, so there was nowhere for her to keep a glass of water and she had to ask for a drink every time she wanted one.  At one stage she waited 20 mins for a glass of water.  As there was nowhere to store it, she had to sit and hold it until it was finished.  We did of course bring her up bottles of water so she could keep them beside her and have a drink when she needed it.  When needing to go the bathroom, the staff moved occupants out of the side rooms into the main ward, wheeled mother into that space, got her to use a bedpan and then moved her back into the ward.  These side wards were only made private by a curtain which were never fully closed and therefore not sufficiently private.  One evening my mother waited 2 hours for someone to take her to the "bathroom" after asking several members of staff for attention.  

What was also interesting was that the ward did not seem to have a whiteboard with who was in the ward and where they were seated.  Several times, I witnessed staff just walking through the ward, calling out for certain people.  It was an absolute farce.

When I tried to get an update on my mother's condition, I was constantly told that she wasn't their patient, but no alternative offer of help given.  I had to go searching for someone to give me updates which wasn't easy.  I also asked when she would be moving to a ward and was answered rather brusquely that other people were there before her and they didn't know.

My mother was in this situation for 3 days before being transferred to ward 7 where she stayed for 1.5 weeks.  She had pneumonia, which on top of existing illnesses made her quite ill.  The care and attention my mother got when she moved to the ward was fantastic - I can only thank the staff for how they helped my mother while on ward.

I appreciate that the hospitals are under immense financial restraints and understaffed.  It's clear that the staff are greatly overworked and do the best they can, but I found the situation in the Emergency Department, totally unacceptable.  As an elderly lady, who was very ill, I would have expected my mother to have been shown a little more respect, dignity and care.  My heart breaks for the other elderly patients who were also in the same position as my mother (obviously very ill) but had no family there to support them, fight for them and allow them their basic human rights.  

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Demi McKay, Personal Public Involvement & Patient Experience, Quality & Safety Improvement, Northern Ireland Ambulance Service nearly 2 years ago
Demi McKay
Personal Public Involvement & Patient Experience, Quality & Safety Improvement,
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service

work with service users of NIAS, chair of stakeholder forum events

Submitted on 01/11/2022 at 10:43
Published on Care Opinion at 10:43

picture of Demi McKay

Dear CC2022

I want to firstly, thank you for taking the time to share your feedback on behalf of your mother, for the experience you had as a family, during what sounds to have been a very difficult time.

My name is Demi McKay and I work in the Patient Experience Team for the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service.

I want to highlight to you, that as a relative to a very sick patient - you did the right thing, you phoned out of hours who advised to call for an ambulance. For which I am contented they arrived to you in good time. I am pleased to hear the paramedics who attended were compassionate and took great care to ensure your mother was comfortable and ready for conveyance to ED.

Our staff work very hard to ensure patient safety and comfort is delivered, and I know the crew who attended to your mother would be pleased to receive your compliments.

To help me identify them, I would require the following details:

- date and approximate time of incident

- address ambulance was sent to

I can be contacted on 07867136604.

Best wishes


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Response from Olga O'neill, Co Director, Unscheduled care, Belfast Health & Social Care Trust nearly 2 years ago
Olga O'neill
Co Director, Unscheduled care,
Belfast Health & Social Care Trust

Co Director responsible for the Adult Emergencies Care Services, Mater hospital inpatient medical wards, GP out of hours service, Custody Health Care, Ambulatory Care Services and Service Improvement.

Submitted on 01/11/2022 at 12:56
Published on Care Opinion at 13:07

Dear CC202

Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your mother's experience while attending the Royal Victoria Hospital Emergency Department. I would like to introduce myself, my name is Olga O’Neill and I am the Interim Co Director for Unscheduled Care which includes our emergency care departments. I would like to offer my heartfelt apology for yours and your mothers experiences, this is not what I would want for any patient or family member, it also falls below the standard we would aim for.

I am so sorry that the table was not attached to your mother's trolley to enable her to take regular drinks, we will reiterate the importance of using the tray tables for patients to all staff. It is unacceptable that your mother had to wait to be assisted to the bathroom, I sincerely apologise for this. We do have an electronic system that holds all patient records and their location, I can only apologise about the staff members you spoke to and I agree that they should have found someone that could answer your questions. We will remind our ED staff as well as all other teams that attend the ED department of the importance of ensuring that our service users’ requests are responded to and that further assistance is sought if the staff member does not know the patient.

Whilst there is significant pressure in health care and especially in our emergency departments where patients are waiting unprecedented prolonged periods of time for an in-patient bed this does not excuse substandard care and distress to families. I can assure you that the issues you have raised will be ongoing items in our daily safety brief and team discussions, to reiterate the standards and attitudes that all our patients and their families should receive.

I do hope your mother is improving and doing well and I will pass on your sincere thanks and appreciation of the care that she received in the medical ward of level 7. If you would like to further discuss your experience with me please do not hesitate to contact me by phone on 07825400105 or by email; olga.oneill@belfasttrust.hscni.net

Kindest regards

Olga O’Neill, CoDirector (Interim) – Unscheduled Care

Tel: 028 96156519 Mobile: 07825400105

PA: Moira Nolan Tel: 028 96156256

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