"Great experience"

About: Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital / Out Patient Department Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital / Play Service

(as a parent/guardian),

Immersive Reader

I would like to thank all of the staff involved in my daughters care today at RACH. She needed an MRI scan with a cannula, which with having ADHD could have been quite traumatic for her.  

Anna the doctor put her right at ease and got the cannula in no bother, and Heather from Play Services was fantastic at explaining the procedure and keeping her occupied whilst waiting.  Then the lovely radiographers at MRI West were also great (sorry didn't get their names). 

All of this made a potentially stressful and traumatic experience very easy and straightforward and I thank everyone involved.

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Response from Heather Beattie, Play Service Manager, Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital, NHS Grampian 2 years ago
Heather Beattie
Play Service Manager, Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital,
NHS Grampian
Submitted on 09/11/2022 at 08:01
Published on Care Opinion at 09:49

Immersive Reader

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such positive feedback. I am so pleased to hear that your family had a positive experience in the Childrens Hospital and MRI. It was a pleasure to support and prepare your family during your visit. We all had fun doing the wordsearches and I loved your daughters' drawings.

I have shared your feedback with everyone involved and they are delighted.

Kind regards

Heather Beattie

Play Service Manager

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