"The NHS"

About: Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital

(as other),

The NHS are a service that is available to people in the UK. They are a service that will state many times they are there to help you and provide the best care that they can. I would like to say that all I seem to encounter is the opposite of that. I have on many occasions when in hospital been spoke to by these professional people in a manner that has not at all been needed towards me. 

I am a vulnerable autistic person with a severe mental health condition. I have found it extremely distressing to be in hospital to begin with. I find it very difficult to have to communicate with people and conversations I don't always feel get anywhere. People are supposed to be doing a job that they chose to do but you as a patient find yourself on the recieving end of hostility etc because staff are always saying that they are overworked etc.   It's obvious that a lot of people are going to be admitted to hospital for so many different types of illnesses so what do the staff expect.

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