"Cardioversion at Forth Valley Hospital"

About: Forth Valley Royal Hospital / Cardiology

(as the patient),

I underwent cardioversion this month at Forth Valley Cardiology Unit.

This was my first cardioversion in Forth Valley but my fourth in total, so I have a deal of comparative experience.

All four have been successful procedures and I am grateful for all of them, but I am motivated to report on this one as it was outstandingly, the best for a number of reasons. 

The way the unit has been set up and organised was different, thoughtful efficient, and from a patient's standpoint felt like it had been specifically organised to meet the specific needs of both the procedure and the patient.

My previous experiences required my attending hospitals first thing in the morning as a batch of six and wait in beds until taken for cardioversion in turns.

As a contrast, to have a specific appointment time  and seated in a comfortable armchair for the preparation, taken literally next  door for the procedure and back to the armchair for the recovery period was  both relaxing and time efficient .

I must of also mention the nurses who run the unit. They were extremely friendly, their communication was excellent, their procedures obviously well rehearsed and their caring chat throughout had a very relaxing effect on the patient.

At my advanced age I have had experience as a patient, not only of cardiology units but also those dealing with prostate, large intestine, kidney, eye and hearing problems . 

This particular unit is an outstanding example of how specialised units can be optimally organised and run by well qualified senior nurses to the maximum benefit of both the NHS and the patients . 


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Response from Catherine Mondoa, Consultant Nurse/Cardiology Manager, Cardiology Deparment, Forth Valley Royal Hospital 2 years ago
Catherine Mondoa
Consultant Nurse/Cardiology Manager, Cardiology Deparment,
Forth Valley Royal Hospital


Submitted on 17/11/2022 at 14:09
Published on Care Opinion at 14:09

Dear SinusRhythmRestored

I hope you are continuing to feel the benefit of the procedure.

Thank you very much for taking the time to feedback on your recent experience in the Cardiology Day Unit. It is great to know that our multidisciplinary team are delivering care which can be favourably compared to other centres and more importantly valued by our patients.

I will share the post with the multidisciplinary team and ensure that the nurses are aware of your positive feedback.



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Response from Catherine Labinjoh, Consultant Cardiologist & Clinical Lead for Cardiology, Cardiology, NHS Forth Valley 2 years ago
Catherine Labinjoh
Consultant Cardiologist & Clinical Lead for Cardiology, Cardiology,
NHS Forth Valley

Hospital doctor, specialising in Heart Disease

Submitted on 17/11/2022 at 14:12
Published on Care Opinion at 14:12

picture of Catherine Labinjoh

Dear SinusRhythmRestored (fantastic name by the way!)

Thanks for your feedback around your cardioversion experience. I'm pleased the procedure was successful. I am also delighted that the experience was a positive one. You are right - the service was indeed organised to meet the specific needs of both the procedure and the patient, from the outset, so it's particularly gratifying to hear that you felt that was the case during your visit with us. Patients and nursing staff were hugely influential in how our unit was set up.

The nursing staff and the wider team will be delighted to read your comments, not only about the unit, but also about the care they provided. Thank you again for taking the time to share your observations with us and I hope sinus rhythm remains restored for as long as possible!

Best wishes


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