In this session we invited healthcare professional from across the UK to talk about how they use Care Opinion to complete the feedback puzzle. Each of our invited guests were asked to talk about how they use and aspire to use patient feedback, to learn from and in turn create learning and change within the settings they work in.
Our guest speakers were:
- Shaun Maher, Strategic Advisor for Person-Centred Care and Improvement, Scottish Government Healthcare Quality and Improvement Directorate
- Caroline Millar, Chair of City and Hackney GP Confederation
- Jill White, Practice Manager, The Nightingale Practice
- Vi Gray, Patient & Client Experience, 10000 More Voices/Care Opinion, Western Health & Social Care Trust
Each of our guest speakers shared some great slides which you can download below:
Care Opinion the big picture - Shaun Maher.pptx
Completing the Feedback Puzzle -Caroline Millar & Jill White.pptx
From feedback to learning and change - Vi Gray.pptx
Completing the puzzle: From feedback to learning and change
Completing the puzzle: From feedback to learning and change https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/add6137d-4a12-4d91-9d08-5c6a3b4e314d.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by Tracy Molloy, Subscriber Services Manager, Subscriber Support, Care Opinion, on
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