Interested in a Care Opinion Subscription?

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of Tim Hunt

Care Opinion subscriptions come in many shapes and sizes, including providers, commissioners, universities, HEIs, and monitoring organisations. This session was a broad look at the value of a subscription and the support available from our expert team. Tracy our Subscriber Support Manager took us through some of the functionality of the Care Opinion site and the subscriber journey as the team supports roll out of a subscription.

Tim, our Head of Partnerships also talked about upcoming changes and developments happening across health and social care. Care Opinion is ideally set up to meet the upcoming challenges of generating and learning from Online Feedback as these changes take shape.

There is information available on the full range of subscriptions available here:

Do listen through this session and get in touch with any enquiries:


To download a copy of the slides please click on the link below:

Interested in a CO subscription - slides.pptx

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