Starting a ripple - An introduction to Care Opinion

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of Tracy Molloy

Care Opinion held a half day online conference on Tuesday 16th May 2023. The theme this year was 'The ripple effect - The many benefits of online feedback', and we welcomed guest speakers from all over the UK, who together with our team explored the ripple effect feedback has on their patients, services & staff culture.

The first session gave a brief introduction to who Care Opinion is as an organisation, a live tour of the website and an look at a couple of the sites key features; including Bookmarking stories, Invitation Links, Reporting/visualisations & finally blogging.

We kicked off the session with an interactive poll to all our attendees asking them how much they know about Care Opinion and here were the results:

Poll results: How much do you know about Care Opinion?

We really hoped our guests enjoyed the first session to our spring conference, And if you couldn't make it , then we hope you enjoying catching up with us here:

You can also download a copy of the slides below:


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