Research chat 19: Feedback to Participation? an early look at participation projects

Change from Care Opinion

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picture of James Munro

At session 4 of our Spring Conference on 16 May 2023, we talked about a new feature we are working on at Care Opinion: participation projects.

We know from research that many Care Opinion authors would be willing to go further than simply providing feedback about their care. They would be happy to offer practical help and support in making care better, whether through supporting research, education, or local improvement work.

We have worked with the NIHR Yorkshire and Humber Patient Safety Research Collaboration to develop this idea, starting with the area of participation in research projects.

In this session we discuss the research which supports this idea, how Care Opinion authors have already supported a number of research projects, and how we are developing the participation projects feature during 2023, so that people could participate in improvement, education or research projects more easily.

I hope you enjoy the session!

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