South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) celebrates the milestone of 1,500 stories shared on Care Opinion.
Care Opinion has become a key tool at South Eastern in expanding the platform for the service user voice and the use of stories shared to good effect.
Care Opinion adds value in terms of connected responsiveness to experiences where improvement could be made at personal, service and organisation levels.
Care Opinion is a great asset in recognising the positive contributions made by staff across the organisation which support good quality outcomes, experiences and enhancement of quality of life.
Care Opinion has integrated well with the Trust's range of involvement and experience tools - helping services to learn from experience in order to take negatives out of the system and to identify and exploit opportunities to forge ahead positively.
Care Opinion has been adopted well within the organisation with many service-specific campaigns now in operation.
The organisation has found Care Opinion to be a user-friendly platform that is easy to use and supports effective engagement with service users ----- and with supportive Care Opinion representatives partnering with us every step of the way, it has been a secure journey.
So far, so good! The story continues...
1,500 Care Opinion Stories --- Sharing is Caring
1,500 Care Opinion Stories --- Sharing is Caring https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/1caa0620-c50a-4988-9ec3-e96e235a3d8f.jpeg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
Posted by Conor Campbell, Senior Manager, Assurance and Improvement, South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust, on
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