The Care Opinion ‘How to’ webinars ‘round two’ is fast approaching and, after the success of the last series, we are very excited to be hosting the summer sessions starting in July.
Our spring edition of ‘How to’ webinars saw many people sign up and attend the sessions, thank you very much for doing so - we really do love having you there.
Don’t worry if you missed out though because below are the links to the session blogs and you can always sign up for ‘round two’.
Have a nosey at the blogs below and, as always, direct any questions you have to your support lead or our info account here: info@careopinion.org.uk We hope you enjoy! Keep on learning 😊
An introduction to Care Opinion-learn about who we are and what do here: Introduction to Care Opinion-26th April 2023 | Care Opinion
Managing your subscription-this session was aimed at Care Opinion administrators and covered topics relating to understanding the administrator’s role and how to manage your subscription. Follow the link to discover more: Managing your subscription Webinar - 10th May 2023 | Care Opinion
Encouraging stories -want to encourage feedback? Follow this link: Encouraging Stories Webinar-23rd May 2023 | Care Opinion
Respond well and demonstrate impact- learn about the research covering ‘what makes a good response’ and feel more confident writing your own responses by following this link here: Webinar - Respond well & demonstrate impact - Tuesday 6th June 2023 | Care Opinion
Framing the Ask- learn how to build skills and confidence in ‘faming the ask’ here: Framing the Ask Webinar April 2023 | Care Opinion
Keeping Track of your Stories with Alerts and Digest- a brand new, short and focussed session on using alerts and digests to keep track of your stories-learn about his here: New Webinar! Keeping Track of your Stories with Alerts & Digests | Care Opinion
Invitation links and subscriber tagging- an in-depth session showing how to make the most of invitation links and subscribing tagging-learn about his here: Invitation Links and Subscriber Tagging Webinar | Care Opinion
Future Training and Support Webinar - Round Two:
Finally, if you prefer a live webinar, with the opportunity for interaction and space for a Q&A, then please do sign up for the summer webinars here: Training and support webinars | Care Opinion
'How to' Webinars - Round up: Spring 2023
'How to' Webinars - Round up: Spring 2023 https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/8204383b-3515-4b8f-acff-01a2ae5337c7.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by Emma Noonan, Support and Engagement Officer, Sheffield Support Team, Care Opinion, on
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