Framing The Ask - How to Webinar Recording

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of Cally Bowman

On July 24th 2023, as part of our UK-wide "how to" training webinar sessions, we ran our popular session on Framing the Ask to patients and service-users.

This interactive session enabled us to share information and guidance about how to build skills and confidence in "framing the ask" when asking people to share their experience on Care Opinion.

If you feel unsure about asking for feedback about your service, or if you're keen to support your team/colleagues to feel more confident doing this, you can watch the recording from this session below and access our slides via PowerPoint here:

Please note, the interactive polls that took place within the webinar are not included within the recording, so we have included screenshots below the recording for reference. 

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A big thank you to everyone who attended, took part and asked amazing questions during this session.

If you have any questions relating to any of the webinars, please don't hesitate to get in touch, you can email us at

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