During August 2023, South Eastern HSC Trust celebrates 3 years of working with Care Opinion.
The journey has been a resounding success with 1,600 stories shared to date, 550 Trust staff trained and active as Care Opinion responders and a responsiveness rating to be very proud of.
The South Eastern Care Opinion journey is very visible across the Trust with A4 colour story quote templates on display at service information points.
The vast majority of stories submitted convey thanks to our staff for great quality treatment and compassionate care leading to positive outcomes. The Trust benefits greatly through having staff performance recognised and shared in this way.
We also receive stories with learning points where we have reflected and acted to improve our arrangements. In many instances, stories are responded to with a personal review which results in a direct response to the patient's care - improving their position, providing thorough analysis / explanation of care provided and / or service leadership focus which results in system change for the better.
Care Opinion is proving to be a valuable asset within our user experience / involvement toolkit.
I wish to thank each member of the Care Opinion team (Sarah, Cally, Tracy, Tim, James and co.) for their top-quality leadership and support throughout the journey, our Public Health Agency partners (Linda Craig, David Todd and Thelma Swann) for being true allies all along the way and our trust Care Opinion leads (Emma Spencer and Nial Scott - plus highly-valued contributions from Richard Earney and Jennifer Harvey) whose stellar performances and commitment to user experience and involvement have paved the way for the success we enjoy today.
Celebrating 3 Years of Care Opinion at South Eastern HSC Trust
Celebrating 3 Years of Care Opinion at South Eastern HSC Trust https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/1caa0620-c50a-4988-9ec3-e96e235a3d8f.jpeg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
Posted by Conor Campbell, Senior Manager, Assurance and Improvement, South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust, on
Thanks for your feedback.
Response from Thelma Swann, Project Lead – Online User Feedback, Patient Client Experience, Public Health Agency on 14 Aug 2023 at 10:42
Always a pleasure to work with and support Trust colleagues in our endeavor to capture the valued opinions of service user, families and carers throughout NI and to see the changes being made across the region by listening and learning from feedback.