Improving the service user experience

Update from South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust

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picture of Conor Campbell

Great to see Care Opinion embedding as a valuable learning and improvement asset within our organisation's culture.

With 1,700 stories told since launch, we thank our service users for providing us with the richness of insight into their experiences. 

These stories provide great validation of high-quality, compassionate care provided by our staff across the organisation.  This is very rewarding and motivating for our staff to hear.

These stories also provide great learning opportunities that afford us the opportunity to right a wrong and to create a positive change.

Thank you to all of our staff for their commitment to improving the service user experience which has resulted a positive rate of in 1 in 7 of our storytelling service users being motivated to let us know that they found the response to their story to be helpful to them.

With Care Opinion as an important and positive contributing factor, we have achieved satisfaction scores that are comfortably above the Northern Ireland standard of 90% for service user satisfaction in our inpatient, outpatient and primary and community care settings.

Onward and upward!

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