ULHT using Care Opinion webinar - follow up

Update from United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

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About: United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

picture of Sharon Kidd

It was a pleasure to host a one off webinar yesterday to hi-light the work we have been doing with Care Opinion and using patient online feedback across the whole trust. We invited colleagues from neighbouring NHS Trusts to find out more about the benefits of using Care Opinion, the agenda for the webinar was:

  • What we have learnt on our Care Opinion journey so far at ULHT
  • Using Care Opinion - from a surgical unit perspective
  • Summary from Care Opinion's CEO Dr James Munro

We finished the webinar by opening up to a Q&A session, watch the session back on the recording below:

You can also download the slides and transcript from the webinar too:

Slides: care-opinion-webinar-2023-v2.pptx

Transcript: ulht-webinar-transcript.docx

Here a little video on our ULHT Care Opinion journey I created:

If you have any questions or comments feel free to get in touch with me at email: sharon.kidd@ulh.nhs.uk

Response from Jennie Negus, Head of Patient Experience, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust on

Great blog & great webinar Sharon!

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